Through the magic of time lapsed photography, we’re excited to share the installation of the 500-ton, multi-section arch that was recently installed as a part of the Burgoyne Bridge project in St. Catharines, Ontario.
The Burgoyne Bridge is a 330 metre long, twin steel box girder, viaduct structure. A single 125 metre long structural steel arch, made up of six 85 ton sections, suspends the structure that spans Highway 406 and the Twelve Mile Creek, without the use of piers.
The arches were fabricated at our Stoney Creek plant, painted in our Princeton Facility, and recently raised into place in just under two weeks through a carefully executed construction plan.
The first arch segment was lifted into place just after midnight the morning of September 14th. The last arch section was hoisted into its final position on September 26th, just before midnight. All six sections were installed in under two weeks.
All lifts were executed at night while the highway below was closed. The operation was well organized and managed by the team, resulting in a series of smooth and safe lifts.
The bridge decks are expected to be fully supported by the structural arch by the end of the year. Removal of the temporary steel towers that support the structural arch during erection is scheduled to occur next Spring.
Just a half-hour drive from our Hamilton headquarters, this bridge stands out as special for many Walters employees who will use this bridge on a regular basis – it’s right in our neighbourhood. Nothing makes us prouder than when our family business can contribute to a local project.
Learn more about the Burgoyne Bridge project >>