Celebrating Our 60th Anniversary 

April 1, 2016

Tomorrow, April 2nd, marks the official 60th anniversary of what is now known as Walters Group. But we didn’t start out as a group. We didn’t even start out as an “Inc.”

In 1956, Walter Koppelaar Sr. opened a modest, 800-square-foot shop on Upper Wellington Street in Hamilton. “Walters Welding and Iron Works” made ornamental iron like porch handrails and fire escapes for residential properties.

The railing pictured with this post is one of the first railings ever fabricated by Walter Koppelaar, Sr. and installed on the porch of his family home. It is still in use today and serves as a great reminder of our roots as a business.

Over six decades, that little welding shop grew into Walters Group, a business that was recently recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. We have developed a reputation for taking on complex commercial and industrial steelwork projects throughout North America. Our work can be found in downtown cores and remote industrial sites across Canada and the United States.

We’re proud of where we came from and excited about where we’ll go next. But our greatest satisfaction doesn’t come from building any particular stadium, museum or office tower. It comes from the people we work with every day.

We would not be where we are today without the hard work and dedication of our loyal employees and clients, our construction partners, and the people who live in the communities where we work and build.

We count ourselves lucky to enjoy such support, collegiality and friendship and thank everyone for your support in helping us reach this milestone.

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