Power Play: Walters Group joins partnership to refurbish nuclear plant  

February 25, 2016

Walters Group has been selected to supply, fabricate and erect the steel shells for two new buildings to be used for refurbishing components of the Darlington Nuclear Power Plant.

The refurbishment, which is designed enable the plant to generate 3,500 megawatts of electricity for an additional 25-30 years, involves several partners. Walters will work with Aecon Industrial on construction and fabrication services. SNC-Lavalin will carry out the specialty tooling and engineering activities.

Working with a nuclear facility naturally requires extra levels of security and safety checks. Our people and our materials will have to be cleared every time they move on or off the site which means we will have to plan our logistics even more carefully than usual.

The Walters team will coordinate deliveries on a daily basis to ensure everything and everyone can get where they need to be, when they need to be there.

The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station is located in Clarington, within the Regional Municipality of Durham, in the Province of Ontario. The nuclear power plant meets about 17% of Ontario’s electricity needs, producing approximately 31 million megawatt hours of electricity annually. The plant is owned and operated by Ontario Power Generation.

View Darlington Nuclear project >>