Showing a little appreciation for our team

March 4, 2016

Today we hosted a company-wide lunch for all plants to congratulate our team for completing fabrication on two of our major projects: Brookfield Place Calgary and the Mosaic Stadium in Regina.

These achievements reflect the true teamwork that is at the heart of every single Walters success. The number and range of people at Walters who contribute to a project like Brookfield Place or Mosaic is huge. We appreciate all of these contributions every day – with today being National Employee Appreciation Day, it just gives us another reason to show it.

Speaking of teams, the Mosaic Stadium will be home to the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Sometime in the future you might turn on your television to find 40,000 fans filling that stadium with cheers for the Roughriders. We believe some of that applause belongs to the dedicated employees who are part of our team here at Walters.

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View the Brookfield Place Calgary project >>

View the Mosaic Stadium project >>

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