Provided panelling and structural elements for a state-of-the-art, interactive 100-seat digital classroom at Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, designed to facilitate interaction and collaboration among heart researchers in and beyond the Edmonton-based institute.
Feature Walters designed wall panels, projection booth, custom curve pocket doors and other internal features, ensuring all components harmonized with the overall construction project.
We took 3D laser scans of the space and fully coordinated High Definition Information Modeling of base building conditions. Our scope included ceiling panels, wall panels, all the framing for a projection booth and custom curve pocket doors – sliding doors that retract into a curved wall.
We purchased one of each fixture that would populate our panels and used them to model panel seams and panel penetration. This meant none of the panels had to be touched in the field; everything was prepped in the shop. This approach allowed us to budget exactly no time for adjustments in the field, which happens to be the most expensive type of work. High-end work like panel penetration doesn’t lend itself to a job site, which is chaotic, congested, and generally less efficient.
This project stood out because we never submitted two-dimensional drawings for approval. The architect was willing and able to approve our work in 3D. We would submit our model rendering and the architectural firm put a signature stamp on the file to approve. All of the models of panels and components were also cut files so there was never a need for a 2D set.