Energy Services Acquisition Program (ESAP) – Modernization Project
Ottawa, ON

Energy Services Acquisition Program (ESAP) – Modernization Project

The Energy Services Acquisition Program (ESAP) is modernizing the District Energy System (DES) which provides heating services to over 80 buildings and cooling services to 67 buildings in the National Capital Region (>1.6M m2 of floor space), accommodating 55,000+ occupants. The creation of a thermal grid will be able to distribute hot and cold water as energy sources and will include not only delivering energy but also receiving energy from other plants, buildings and waste heat sources.

The DES system connects to 5 central plants using more than 14 kilometers of underground piping and provides heating by steam and hot water and cooling by chilled water. The current heating and cooling system was built nearly 50 to 100 years ago and are out of date. Unfortunately, many components are becoming unusable and require replacement parts with more energy efficiency to significantly reduce operational costs and greenhouse gas emissions. Operations and maintenance of the district energy system will continue through 2055.

The creation of a new thermal grid will be able to distribute hot and cold water as energy sources and will include not only delivering energy but also receiving energy from other plants, buildings, and waste heat sources. The project will involve the conversion of the system to use low—temperature hot water for heating and to electric chillers for cooling. This Program will contribute to the Government’s goal in reducing its operating energy consumption and Green House Gas (“GHG”) emissions by 40% by 2030.

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PCL Construction Canada
PCL Construction Canada
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Brisbin Brook Beynon Architects
Structural engineer
WSP Design Engineers
LEED Certification
Facts & Figures
  • Plate Girders
  • Box Columns
  • Hollow Structural Sections (HSS) Tower
Our Role

Walters will be building both the Cliff Plant and Tunneys Plant, providing design-assist services and structural steel to build two new Combined Heating and Cooling Plants (CHCP) – 80 cantilever trusses, a 120′ and 100’ tall exhaust stacks.

Overcoming Challenges

Large Welded Wide-Flange (WWF) girders in a tight erection area.